Tuesday, June 17, 2008

TrafficXplode 2.0 Demo Page

The purpose of this blog post is to showcase the strength of TrafficXplode 2.0 system. This shows that the tool can be integrated with any kind of sites even a free blog just like this one.

TrafficXplode 2.0 is basically a tell-a-friend solution. I know there are a lot of “similar” tools on the market but allow me to show you the unique features that TrafficXplode 2.0 has.

The TrafficXplode 2.0 was designed with “Owners”, “Visitors” and “Invitees” in mind. In other words, I would want to create a “win-win-win” situation for all 3 parties. Here is the benefit that each party will get by using TrafficXplode 2.0:


- More traffic to the site


- free gift


- get to know about a great resource that might potentially be something of value

Now let’s take a look at what this tool does

  1. After the visitor clicks a button the pop-up screen will appear
  2. Visitors will be presented with your personalized message telling the visitors about the benefit that you will be giving to them in exchange for inviting their friends to come visit your site

- Video is a good medium to put on this page

- You as the owner will get a chance to personalize this page inside the control panel

  1. On the top right corner the visitor will find

- Number of total Emails/Messages that they have already sent previously

- Number of gift levels that are available, and the number of current gift level that the visitor is at

  1. On the bottom right corner the visitor will find

- Social Networks button – fetch friends list from social networks

- Email Accounts button - fetch contacts list from email accounts

  1. On the bottom of the page, there is a number of minimum invitations that the visitors need to send in order to receive gifts

Unique features

- The system record numbers of emails/messages sent by each visitor

- Visitors can close the browser, come back to the page and can still continue where they have left off

- The system will not allow visitors to send invitations to the same email address even the same email address resides on different email accounts

- Owner can add custom field tokens to the pre-written email message. This can be an affiliate link.

You are encouraged to try it out for yourself. On this particular page, no emails or messages will be sent out.


For this particular campaign, there are 3 gift levels.

  1. google.com – for sending 5-10 invitations
  2. yahoo.com – for sending 11-20 invitations
  3. msn.com – for sending 21-30 invitations

Please keep in mind that this is for testing purpose only, for actual campaign I would recommend you to send visitors to an opt-in page where they will need to opt-in first to receive the gift (you would need 3rd party autoresponder to do this) or you can just create a simple page where you have a download link on it.

I’ll walk you through the step of sending invitations and claiming a gift here.

Step 1

After you click the button this page will appear.

Step 2

I chose Email Accounts.

Step 3

I changed my mind to Social Networks.

Step 4

I logged in to my social account and select friends that I wanted to send invitations to.

Notice that I got a chance to edit the message. In the picture the extra field box is displayed.

Step 5

I clicked “Next” to send messages to my 11 friends that I have selected from the previous step. And now I was taken to the first page again, but notice the difference this time.

The “Get Gift” button appears at the bottom left corner of the page where I can click and will be taken to level 2 gift page. At the top right corner of the page the number of total messages changed to 11 and now it indicated that I was eligible to go to 2nd level gift page out of 3.

If I close this page and click the invite friend button again I would be taken to this exact same page since the system keep track of number of invitations I have already sent.

Please feel free to try the tool out for yourself and see what this tool can do.